

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Finally is snowing! It's a kind of tiny snow... but neverminds it snows! Tonight I will go for my first zumba class hoping to get fit during this loooong winter. In the same time thinking about some vacation ...

Croatia and Montenegro

Thursday, January 26, 2012

more projects

These days I am not doing anything special. It's too cold and I feel lazy as a bear during the winter time. I do have a lot of projects going on but in a kind of stad by for a moment.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I have a lot of projects on my mind. I am trying to make them real step by step. But I must admit I am lazy sometimes!!! I hope I will be able to show you my babies soon. Here is some preview.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

an art experiment ...

I started to paint this painting something like 2 years ago. It was just a pink face with holes instead of eyes and nothing else. It stayed like that for years. Yesterday I tryed to give an expression to that face. This naive face is what came up at the end. I am not sure I like it. But anyway I finished finally my first art experiment.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lugano's daylight ..

I do not remember a winter like this one. The sun is shining every day, the air is fresh the view is clear. We can see the Alps from our windows every morning... no trace of the usual foggy winter days!!!
Yesterday we decided to have a walk (again) in Lugano in Switzerlard. It's only one hour drive from where we live. We enjoyed it very much !!